How our Focus Group Transcription Service works?
TranscribeYA offers the focus group transcription service identifying each one of the speakers and adding time markers in case it is required by the client.
Focus groups are used to explore a particular product or category of products (or any other topic of interest). During a session of a focus group, participants are encouraged to discuss their reactions to products or services, or to new marketing or advertising communication campaigns.
Participants of these groups are recruited according to a consumer profile, carefully.
Usually between 4-7 people participate and it is a lot of information that is collected in a short period of time, which is why the moderator does not usually have time to take notes.
The methodology that follows is to record all the dynamics and then hire the transcription service, and with the transcription proceed to analyze the most important points discussed.
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Other transcription services:
We transcribe: audios, videos, calls/phone conversations, classes, conferences, dissertations, focus groups, interviews, legal, podcasts, press conference, workshops.