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Dissertation Transcription Services

Dissertation Transcription Services

Do you need a Dissertation Transcription Service?

Dissertation Transcription Services are requested by  Ph.D. or an undergrad, a teacher or a researcher, along your studies or your career.

The process to deliver a good dissertation is long and exhausting. There’s a huge amount of time spent in researching, taking notes, recording audios or videos, interviewing people, etcetera. Later on comes the analysis, where all the information collected will have to be reviewed.

The easiest and quickest way to gather all the information is having everything in written, so you would need the transcription of all the audios and videos collected during the research.


Whether you have English or Spanish materials, TranscribeYA helps you transcribing any audio or video in any format: conferences, seminars, voice notes, interviews, among others.

We have a selected group of people who have the expertise and know the importance of an accurate transcription with affordable rates.

Leave your transcriptions to professionals and spend your time delivering the best dissertation possible!

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