How our Classes Transcription Service works?
Using classes transcription service is a very useful tool today.
Every day there is easier access to classes in universities and online institutes. However, it is often difficult to take note of everything important, so it is necessary to have the transcript of the class.
What do we offer for classes transcriptions?
- – 99% accuracy.
- – Turnaround times from 24 hours.
- – Native Spanish and English speakers.
- – Confidentiality.
- – Discounts for large projects.
Whether you are a student and want to transcribe a class you attended, or you are a teacher, and you want to have the transcription of the class you are teaching; or even if you belong to an e-learning institution… for all of you, we offer high quality transcriptions. Clean verbatim and full verbatim transcriptions.
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Other transcription services:
We transcribe: audios, videos, calls/phone conversations, classes, conferences, dissertations, focus groups, interviews, legal, podcasts, press conference, workshops.