How our Call Transcription Service works?
Call transcription or telephone conversation transcription is the conversion of an audio track from a voice or video call into text. The transcription of calls can be live, as a call or event occurs, or, afterwards, with the recording of it.
It is an important and powerful tool for business, executive meetings, training, medical or legal. From the text you can get the detail of each conversation, easy to locate, saving time by not having to review each audio again to find a section in particular.
Call Transcription Service for Call Centers
They are of the utmost importance when it comes to training commercial personnel. Recording, transcribing and revising audio and text can improve the interaction with customers in a practical and easily understandable way.
Transcription of telephone conferences for business
When conferences are organized where several people participate, sometimes just listening to the recording becomes difficult to understand. If, in addition to having the recording, you have the transcript, it is much easier to follow the thread of the topic and be able to draw conclusions and reach agreements and resolutions of the meeting or conference.
Transcriptions in the legal industry
Depending on the state, the legality of the transcription varies. However, it is a support for the development of the case. It saves time instead of hearing the entire calls every time you need to look for information. The transcription allows you to go directly to the transcript and search for specific terms.
Advantages of transcribing calls, telephone conversations or teleconferences:
- – To validate information: in commercial or financial transactions, it is very useful to have the transcripts of the telephone calls, either to verify the details discussed or to prove that something was said, accepted or rejected.
- – Settlement of disputes: a telephone transcript recorded correctly in many states is considered acceptable evidence in court.
- – Employee training and performance evaluation: transcribed calls can be used to track employee performance and can help training systems.
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Other transcription services:
We transcribe: audios, videos, calls/phone conversations, classes, conferences, dissertations, focus groups, interviews, legal, podcasts, press conference, workshops.